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December 16, 2015
       December 16, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Renee McDonough and Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance
John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


  • Gerald Oberhelman 296 Sterling Road, Princeton gave an update.  Bob DiBiase will be doing the plantings for this project.  Mr, DiBiase attended the meeting as well as Mr. Oberhelman and Mrs. Oberhelman.  The fruit trees, flowering trees and the garden box had been moved.  Renee McDonough recused herself from this project.    Discussed were the issues of the pathways and the need to replace/restore/create to replace the wetlands that had been filled.  Goal is to be planted by May, with an update meeting and site walk in April.

  • A Notice of Intent was filed by Greenhill Engineering for 71 Main Street for Thomas & Yvonne Pitzi for a septic repair for a single family home, hearing opened at 7:45 PM.  DEP File No. 267-0385 was issued.  A site visit took place on May 12, 2015 with John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson, Renee McDonough and Brian Keevan from the PCC as well as Thomas Pitzi homeowner, and Mark Farrell – Greenhill Engineering.  Project filed with DCR.  The erosion controls need to be moved to the front of the shed in a revised plan of December 16, 2015.  A Motion to issue an Order of Conditions was made and accepted.  An Order of Conditions was issued with Special Conditions as written.
  • An email from Al Fuderman from NRWA was received to put him on the February 16, 2016 meeting to discuss a program to restore riparian habitats.
  • A site visit took place at Grows Lane on December 5, 2015 with John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson, Renee McDonough and Brian Keevan from the PCC as well as Glenn Lyons from the Highway Dept and Bill Holder from the Road Advisory Committee.  It was an Ask and Answer Question visit.  

  • John talked about possible work going on at Mirick Road – Macomber property without the Order of Conditions being recorded and no preconstruction site visit.  This will be looked into.


A Forest Cutting plan was received from William Holder for 45 Goodnow Road 24.5 acres.  The map was very sloppy and had many stream crossings and no staging or landing area shown.  Renee McDonough will contact the Forester to discuss this.

The minutes from the December 1, 2015 meetings were accepted with minor changes as noted.  
Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM.
Marsha Dowdy